Lynq Manufacturing Execution System (MES)



Effective scheduling of resources with online plans and interactive job lists.



Real-time data collection and tracking of employees, equipment and jobs.



Automatic data capture from machines and other devices.



World-class factory performance analysis with loss visualisation.



Paperless shop floor with downtime alerts and collaborative messaging.

LYNQ MES software works hand in glove with both Sage X3 ERP and SAP Business One ERP software.

Specialist MES software systems typically add depth to an ERP systems capacity to manage resources, to fully schedule resources, track production, collect shop floor data and interpret performance data.

MES extends the ERP to optimise manufacturing operations with data collection, from both employees and machines, providing insight into where efficiencies can be made. MES equips a manufacturer with the tools they need to minimise loss and maximise order fulfilment, providing invaluable insight as to where continuous improvement efforts should be focussed.

What does LYNQ MES provide?

LYNQ MES provides real-time visibility of all manufacturing resources, collecting data from employees and machines and syncing this data with a company’s Sage X3 or SAP Business One ERP solution.

This can be used to monitor resources performance and effectiveness, ensure that the production plan is executed as per business requirements and drive digital transformation initiatives forward.

Improved resource visibility reduces downtime, enables manufacturers to work in a more agile way and improves business decisions through an informed view of timings, costs and capacity. In association with OEE and OLE monitoring, it identifies potential problems before they become unscheduled stoppages. Bottlenecks become clearly visible, quickly, which allows timely intervention and resolution

LYNQ is a ‘plug and play’ MES solution with a rapid ROI profile. LYNQ allows users to gain a competitive edge with world-class manufacturing insight and analytics

Managing Finite Capacity

With LYNQ’s comprehensive advanced, finite capacity based, planning and scheduling (APS), you can quickly and accurately schedule while minimising downtime. Deliver to your customers faster and in the most cost-effective way, by creating production plans that factor in constraints around machines, tooling, personnel and inventory to make smarter use of your materials and resources.